Melbourne Artist For Hire

Union Street

Union Street


Before you scroll down, hear this:

If you observe this piece and feel nothing, feel free to supplant that nothingness with the intentions and title provided below.

But if you do feel something, read no further. Keep those feelings and impressions instead - for they will be worth much more to you.

This Too Shall Pass

This piece borrows both the colours and the energy of dusk, along with the symmetry, duality, and renewal of all things that each sunset embodies.

Each day must end and that alone carries a certain kind of tragedy. Nothing gold can stay. But these tragedies, while painful when viewed up close, are like the minor intervals in a grand symphony, and no note is held forever. The end of a day is one of the most beautiful, wonderful times to gaze up at the sky. The sacrifice is not in vain; the show must go on.

In this work I wanted to express the beauty of endings in and of themselves, their inherent promise of new beginnings, and the eternal equalising link between the two. Nothing lasts forever but for this dance between endings and beginnings, major chords and minor chords, sunrises and sunsets, sound and silence.
