Melbourne Artist For Hire



I'm in somewhat of a rut. Since graduation I've had this starry-eyed dream of being a lone savant game developer tapping away at his genius station producing art like a machine. The problem with that is of course that I'm a programmer, not a designer or writer or artist or modeler or sound guy. I can make functional worlds, but I'm not particularly amazing at thinking up those worlds to make. Don't get me wrong, I love programming, but having the skill to shape a world and not having the creativity to imagine a world is frustrating. So in order to improve my work, I've decided to improve myself.

This is the first step. I've upgraded my creativity desk to include an audio station. I've always been a singer and I do musicals from time to time, so I figured I might develop my audio skills some more in a professional sense. Steal Like An Artist also taught me that having another creative hobby alongside really helps both sides advance, the creativity bleeds into one another. I've got my Roland Micro-Cube amp and Zoom G3 multi-effect pedal which I already had for my electric ukulele (seriously), my tiny dumb laptop which was a very ill advised purchase from 2 years ago which I use to write down and display lyrics and chords, and my brand new piece de resistance, the Boss RC505 Loop station. I was inspired by Tom Thum the Aussie beatboxer to buy this gizmo and dear god am I loving it. I've been practicing on it and I've signed up for songwriting classes at AIM next year. I've put a quick little remix I made up on soundcloud.  On top of that, I'm looking at taking a creative writing class when I can afford one.

In other news the VF_SIM program is finished pending Linux testing, and I have another client lined up who I am meeting tomorrow! I'm sure there'll be a post about that soon too.