Melbourne Artist For Hire


In the groove

It's all happening! I have written up a contract for the original mobile game, the client and I have negotiated it, and it's being signed today! Unfortunately the down payment won't be coming through until halfway through bloody February, but my company policy states that work doesn't start until the down payment arrives. It's a shame to have to wait so long when my team and I are buzzing and enthusiastic, but as my new shirt says:

"Yes, I'm a freelancer. No, that doesn't mean I work for free"

On the UNSW front, I'm working steadily on my new clients perception experiments. This is an odd job, because it doesn't actually have a particular end result in mind. I'm not working towards a final product, because they don't really know what they want yet. The first phase of this development is a whitebox demo with oculus rift DK2 integration, where various shapes are scattered around the player, and they need to look at a particular target to progress. Once that's working, he'll change the project entirely and I'll start again. It's like jumping through hoops, and its good brain exercise. He's got a budget for 150 hours at $45 per hour, so this is both educational and lucrative!