Melbourne Artist For Hire

Little Gore Street

Little Gore Street


Before you scroll down, hear this:

If you observe this piece and feel nothing, feel free to supplant that nothingness with the intentions and title provided below.

But if you do feel something, read no further. Keep those feelings and impressions instead - for they will be worth much more to you.


This work blurs the line between the natural and the artificial, the analogue and the digital. Most human technology mimics natural phenomena, and humans themselves are a natural phenomena. We like to think of ourselves as not just a dominant species, but an entirely separate and superior class of being. This piece is a challenge to that notion; could our technology simply be an extension of the natural world, through us? Is our progress just a natural process? Our circuits mimic nervous systems, our drainage systems mimic veins, all our technology exists within the bounds of natural law, so what makes us think we’re above it? By uniting the perceived opposites of plant life and high tech, Dandelions.exe forces the observer to consider that everything we have achieved may simply be a process of nature akin to photosynthesis or the tides.

This piece is only visible from the very end of little gore street.

Above and below-left photo by @questmotif, below-right by @planbphoto
