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Design on a new game called "Way Back"

I've spent some quality time with my creative desk, combining hands-on imagination and some ideas I had written down in my swipe file and my ideas book, and I've come up with a design I've called "Way Back", in reference to a return trip, and also a memory of a long time ago.

The concept of the game is that it provides a demonstration of the way our perception of everything changes based on the way we feel at the time. The game starts with a man in his house one morning who realizes that he's out of bread and needs to walk down to the local corner store to get some. As you walk along the path 2D platformer style you walk by and interact with various small things like signs to read, animals to watch, people to talk to and other minimal things. Your phone will beep with a text or facebook message occasionally. When he reaches his destination he hears a song on the radio or hears a quote from the shopkeeper that makes him recall something in his past. Way back. We join him in the past, reliving a painful and depressing part of his life involving heartbreak and regret. The fine details about the past are yet to be decided, but it will involve a relationship ending, and mechanically I thought I would adapt a mechanic I played in the opening sequence of Portal 2, when the tutorial says "Press Space to say 'Apple'", when in actuality it makes you jump. To emulate the perilous and unintuitive nature of deep conversations while drunk and in love, I thought I'd give the player an option of what to do; eg. press 1 to apologise, press 2 to chastise, etc, but make the player do something totally different that ruins everything despite the players intentions.

Upon sad completion of the past, we return to the man in the store, who is now gloomy. You now have to take the bread back home. On the way back however, everything has changed. It's raining and the sky is darkened. The people who spoke to you earlier become passive-aggressive and jaded. Cars don't drive down the road anymore, they blow down the road like leaves in a breeze, tumbling and rolling. Animals would rather avoid/chase you than play, and every sign you read has a slightly different, harsher inflexion. The messages on your mobile are all negative and sarcastic. 

The ending is all i'm unsure of. The best idea I have so far is that when you return to your house and start making your sandwich, your girlfriend comes out to meet you, and the sky brightens a bit before the end.

I'm now onto programming a greybox build with what time I have, although it is limited these next two weeks. So far, I've managed to create a box-only player character and house, and the phone. A notification pops up in the bottom corner, and when clicked, your phone rises from the bottom of the screen for you to read.

That's all for today!